Our Community

september, 2024

10sep5:00 amLast day term 3-2.30pm finish5:00 am


Compass is used at Warrandyte Primary School as our main form of communication. If you have any issues please contact the School Office.

School Bus

The School Bus Program is an extensive school bus network that provides travel at no cost to eligible government and non-government students living in rural and regional Victoria. The school bus network is administered by Public Transport Victoria (PTV). This program is available for families with children attending Warrandyte Primary School and who reside more than 4.8 kilometres from the school.

Warrandyte Primary School has the responsibility for the coordination of the school bus service.

Parents wishing their child to use the school bus service must register by completing an application form.

Out of School Hours Care (OSHC)

We are pleased to confirm that WPS have partnered with ourpatch to offer Before and After School Care to our families.

ourpatch’s vision, a patch for every child to GROW, aligns strongly with WPS inclusive and caring culture.

ourpatch will work closely with the school and families to build an OHSC program that offers an engaging program that provides quality care and opportunities for students to partipcate in a range extracurricular actitivies. We have attached their Program Flyer, where you can view Operating Hours, Session Costs and what is included in the program.

Bookings can be made via the link below:


Our canteen services are provided by Jaycees Catering. Lunch orders are available every Friday. Lunches need to be booked online by Thursday 7pm for the next day. A small selection of foods are available to purchase on the day.


Uniform Shop

At Warrandyte Primary School our students wear red, white and navy. Our uniform consists of comfortable, durable and affordable clothing that is readily available from the uniform shop.

The Uniform shop is open each Tuesday and Friday morning from 9am to 9.30am and is located in the office building next to the Staff room.

Order forms can be downloaded and given to the office with your payment details. Once complete, orders will be sent home with your child.

Further Information about our school uniform, can be found in our school’s uniform policy, which can be viewed within the school policies section of our website.

Get Involved

How can parents get involved at Warrandyte Primary School?



Classroom Help:
Teachers welcome help within the classroom. Parent Helpers are much appreciated at all levels during school excursions, special days, interschool sport events and celebrations of learning. In Prep to Year 2 you can volunteer to listen to the children read from their take-home books, or assist with a group activity in class. Speak with your child’s teacher about what time is best for you to help in your child’s class. Please note that all class helpers are required to have a current Working with Children Check.

The Friends of Warrandyte Primary School (FOWPS) is a committee of parents who facilitate fundraising activities for our school. Each year, several annual fundraising events are held. Parents assistance on this committee is much appreciated.

School Council:
Parents are welcome to nominate to join the school council at the beginning of the year. Council is a valuable way to contribute to the school’s operation. Free training is available to parents on the role of the school council. Parents are also welcome to attend school council meetings as observers at any time.

Working Bees:
Several times a year, Working Bees are held at the school to help the maintenance and improvements of the school’s vast Buildings and Grounds. Any assistance on the day is much appreciated and may include tasks such as weeding, sweeping, painting, digging, or more specialised services. Working Bees are advertised in the school’s newsletter and also on the Compass calendar.